söndag 11 december 2011

Lösgodis in my heart

Just got home from a run and while I was away, Sigrid and Johanna had been to Hello Sweetie and bought Ahlgrens Bilar. They tasted so. fucking. good. Eating them made me think about what I miss about Sweden and what I don't miss about Sweden, so I decided to make a list.

Things I miss about Sweden
- My Mum
I miss my mum like crazy. Sometimes I don't know how Im gonna survive 2 more months without her. I Can't wait 'til I see her in the arriving hall at Kastrup in feb, damn I'm gonna hug her and cry like a fucking baby.

Me and my mum in Rome last summer

- My sister and my lovely nephews 
God, I miss being woke up by Ville too early in the morning, read him books and just cuddle in the yellow couch with Abbe and Anna. When I come home we're gonna have that bottle of champagne, just so you know, sis!

Ville and I playing with Photobooth in august 2010.


- The rest of my family
I simply just could have written "my family" instead of the two topics above, but well..now I didn't. I miss all of you, okay?
- Hemmakvällgodis
Need I say no more?
Last summer Sandy and Sigrid bought this and surprised
me. I was so happy. 

- My friends
I don't really know if this should be on my list, since most of my friends will be leaving Sweden soon and won't be home when I'll be back. But I miss them anyway.
- Jeans that aren't overpriced 
A pair of Dr Denim cost about double here compared to what they cost in Sweden. Sick! Levis, Lee and Wrangler cost about the same as home. Drinks are also overpriced, aussies likes cider. Rekorderlig cider. They also cost about double.

Things I don't miss about Sweden
- The weather
What can I say? I hate snow. I hate that it rains all the time. I hate that the sun seem to have forgot Sweden does exist.
This may look nice, but for real it's just cold and annoying. 

- The lagom mentality and the jante law
In the Swedish language we have this stupid word "lagom", that doesn't even exist in the English language. It's so stupid I'm not even gonna explain it. The jante law is also a stupid thing that you English speaking people are lucky not to know about.
- Systembolaget and the alcohol monopoly 
In Sweden there is only one store that is allowed to sell alcohol and that is Systembolaget. Here in Australia you can go to Liqourland until midnight and at the bar Im working at we have free drinks sometimes. I've only worked there for about 3 weeks and we've already had free margaritas, free coronas and free rum nights. That would never happen at a Swedish bar.
- Vaxjo
My boring hometown. One of the most rainy cities in whole Sweden.

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