onsdag 29 februari 2012

Doing a Mohammed Ali

Jag konverterar! 
Since most of my readers are Swedish, I've decided to continuing this blog in...*surprise*; Swedish!! Also I'm funnier in Swedish, so for Lani and all you international readers I've got you something; GOOGLE TRANSLATE! 

Sen jag skrev sist har jag gjort en resa söderut till min syster och hennes fina familj, blivit sjuk på vägen hem och varit sängliggandes sen dess pga av en uppretad galla. Först trodde farbror doktorn att jag hade fått gallsten (GALLSTEN!! alltså sånt som gamla människor får) och jag såg framför mig hur min mage återigen skulle behöva slicas upp och prydas med ännu fler ärr, men icke *puh*. 

Och mitt visa har kommit, jag blev godkänd! WOHO!! 2 1/2 vecka kvar nu...

lördag 18 februari 2012

I can't decide weather or not I should buy an apartment or a record store.

Got back from beautiful Stockholm yesterday, now all the blood, sweat and tears with my visa is DONE! Now all I have to do is wait for my passport to get validated and then I'm ready to go.

While in Stockholm I also met up with Filippa and Martin, haven't met any of them for years now so it was so much fun.  Went to Pontus Snibbs release party for a few beers and tagged along Martin to his school and attended a rythm class and that made me even more eager to study music again. I'm so exited now to be all about music, to breath it.

On my way back to Växjö, I sat next to this dude, Janne. He had planned to go to Paris, but had to pay back tax and went Malmö instead. His biggest issue in life right now was if he should buy a new apartment or a record store. I voted for the record store.

Also my sister is visiting me this weekend, she's the best <3

tisdag 14 februari 2012

Yes people, I'm still alive...

...I just don't have very much to write about now that I'm back in Sweden. Been here for almost a week and a half now and all I've been up to is drinking coffee for hours with all my lovely friends.
Otherwise I've been doing pretty much nothing and that is new to me. I'm used to always have 100 of things to do. Now I don't even have a job, since I'm leaving again for LA in a few weeks, which I'm super stoked about! Can't wait..

Tomorrow I'm going to Stockholm to meet Filippa again and to do my interview at the American Embassy. Hopefully, they accept me and then I'm done with all the work with my visa!!

Overall, it's good to be home for a while, even though I'm feeling restless sometimes and there's snow. My family and my friends makes it all worth it. On Friday we're gonna have a big night out, since I'm back from Oz, Luvan is back from the states and on Thursday Jempa and Linda comes back from Asia. Reunioooon!

This is what I came home to. My mum and my brother rocks! 

I went from too blonde... 
...To enough blonde!